Thursday, November 09, 2006

Maundy Thursday, Good Friday

It's our PE day today and it's Thursday. Good thing class is suspended because of the NYD. Like what I've said in my previous posts that in our classroom, we're only 40 more or less because 11 more or less are participants of NYD. Well, most of the time, I use to wear my favorite chuck taylor shoes during our PE classes because I really love chucks rather than my stupid cheap-looking white rubber shoes which is the recommended one. But due to my insanity (no, just kidding), due to my hard-headedness (??), again, I wore my unprescribed shoes. Just then, in our PE class, the teacher had conducted an inspection regarding our shoe. Then, when he came to me, he said that I'm a great loss to his records (as if?!). I was kinda shocked when he told me in a sympathetic manner. Ouch! He said that my grade in PEHM was like probably 93 (final grade) but then he deducted me in my conduct. Oh well, lesson learned, always listen to your mother dearest! Sheesh!

Oh, befor I forgot, I will attend the quiz bee tomorrow at the UP Alumni Office. Well, wish me luck! But the worse thing is that, I'll wear my school uniform, AGAIN! Looks like I'm gonna study about the capitals of the different countries plus it's geography and my favorite, World History! Yeah! It's time to go! ΓΌ

Edited and Posted by:
Renz Marione M. Bulseco
11.09.06 - 04.23pm - local time :: +8.00GMT

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