Well today let's tackle about my dreams in my life. Though, enough of that reminiscing those childhood memories, let's review my past dreams.
As a child, daydreaming is COMPLETELY normal. Obviously, when I was a nursery, my dream is yet simple - being successful in my life. It kinda obvious that I don't have any wild idea of what kind of carreer will I pursue when I grow up. Like I said, I'm only 4 yrs. old, all I think when I was that age is to play, to read abc's and stuffs like that. It's much like in kindergarten stuffs and things alike and related to that. When I was in my prepatory days, I dream to be successful businessman. See the evolution? That was stucked until I was in my 4th grade where I dream to be a doctor. No planned specialization yet but as what I've said I dreamt to be a successful doctor someday. When I was in 6th grade, I changed my dream. I dreamt to be a pilot. Sounds weird! But that's true. It all happened because since when I was a child, my favorite toy usually is a toy airplane. Mind you, I have lots of collections im my house. And let me tell you a secret: When I'm bored, nothing to do in my crib, I usually get my model airplane and let it ripped! I mean I play on it with matching sound effects and it's not a jet plane, it's a model aircraft of Royal Brunei and Saudia. But my parents warned me that Flying School is quite expensive and there's a risk that they can't afford it during the midterms just in case I switch my mind. So, to keep on track with airplanes, I changed my mind into an Air Traffic Controller, one who navigates the airplane to the right directions and s/he gives vital information to the pilot even the weather conditions are considered significant. They worked in the airport tower with an 8 hour shift. And to think I had an uncle who is currently the senior Air Traffic Controller of Davao International Airport. That doesn't changed when I was in my Junior High.
Well before we proceed, my favorite subject, actually, were Science particularly Biology, Chemistry and Physics, Geography and World History. In my 3rd year, the lesson is of course, Chemistry. I thought that Chemistry was so hard but thank God, I find it way too easy. I was lucky then because in just one snap, I could understand the lesson proper but for my other classmates, which they hate Chemistry the most, they have a hard time to recuperate the hasty lesson. That's why I planned to take BS in Chemical Engineering because I love Chemistry. Much more to that, I have an aunt, who is also a chemist of the BFAR so when I graduated, I'll have no worries in finding a job in the near future.
But the dilemma is this: My dad doesn't want me to pursue my college in years in Manila because of these various reasons:
1.) I'm not independent even I'm 16.
2.) Life in Manila is totally different from Davao City.
3.) He said that it's expensive in Manila!
4.) He can't assured my security there.
Though he had the point but for me education plays a VITAL role in my life. I mean I know my potentials, I know how to handle pressures especially in studies, I know how to maintain my grades and so forth and so on. My mom said she's cool with my decision but for my dad? sheeesh! he's like a modern day HITLER! Though I'm not that angry with him but it's just like theres a bit of disappointment.
Imagine, I dreamed to be a weatherman, meteorologist, vulcanologist or a seismologist. Maybe it's because I'm infulenced with these movies like Dante's Peak, Twister, The Day After Tomorrow, 10.5 and a lot more. I love to watch sci-fi movies particularly on natural disasters.
I took the UPCAT (University of the Philippines College Aptitude Test), the entrance exam of UP wherein my mom helped me in my decisions. Good thing, regardless of such restrictions, she told me that my first choice of school would be UP Mindanao with a course of BS Biology. My 2nd choice of campus is UP Manila with a course of Biochemistry. She suggested that I would take medicine and as Biology as my pre-med course. I could hardly remember what I felt that moment - a feeling of searing pain.. just joking! Well let's get serious. It felt like, I was hit by a bullet or an arrow and made me realize that she was right. I know being a doctor is a prestigious job. Helping those who are in need is my duty. And my specialization? Neurology. I'm kinda interested with the human brain - the nervous system to be exact.
How I wished I could passed the most difficult college entrance exam which is the UPCAT. And hopefully I would be the most successful Neurologist of the Philippines and maybe in the whole world!
GOD BLESS to myself!
edited and typed by:
Renz Marione M. Bulseco
10.27.06 - 6.12pm local time :: +8.00 GMT
well that's okay dude, i know you have a lot of potentials, anywayz even your a newbie on this blog, you're great!