It's the eve of Halloween! The last day of October! Yeehah! Although, it's 4 months before March! Noooo! I don't wanna leave my highschool life! I'm not ready for the tertiary life because I know that in college, everything would be serious! From studies to choosing your friends! Yep that's right! But let's concentrate first on the halloween.
Luckily, I'm not gifted to have a third eye! And thank God I haven't seen any ghosts or anything but let me relate you some freaky incidents about ghosts. Well in our former house, it's just like there's a feeling that you're unwelcomed or something and I could see some shadows that pass on my peripheral view. But when I look directly on the direction where the shadow had gone, it just disappear like a Houdini. But despite these phenomenas, I'm still lucky because having a third eye is either a gift nor a curse.
But definitely I believe in ghosts and different kinds of entities and elementals. But I had learned this from my own point of view: We should be MORE afraid for those who are alive than those who are dead. And if some ghosts appear in your eyes, don't be afraid to them. They're just lost, finding a way to where they are destined. We should pray to them instead because they need help from us. And lastly, they will not harm you if you will not harm them in an indirect way like destroying mother earth and things similar to that. Through this they can't harm you. And if ever you feel that they are trying to harm you, don't forget to pray to God. It's the faith that makes our defense strong from those unlikely entities who wish to harm us.
As if I'm a Psychic or what?! I'm not clairvoyant - I'm just an ordinary person, sitting and folling around the corner.. Just joking!
Happy Halloween everybody! May your relatives visit you TONIGHT!! bwhahahahaha! (laugh like Count Dracula as he raise his chalice of blood!)
edited and encoded by:
Renz Marione M. Bulseco
10.31.06.. 3.40pm local time :: +8.00 GMT
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