Sunday, November 05, 2006

Freedom Ceased!

Yes, as my title of the post for the day, freedom shall cease tomrorrow. You know why? IT IS BECAUSE IT'S THE END OF THE WEEK-LONG SEMESTRAL BREAK! Well I guess, it's gonna be a looooong day tomorrow. Periodical Test Results, the upcoming getting of cards, the announced honor roll for the second grading, the upcoming Regional Press Conference, the upcoming Quiz Bee about environment, uggghhh! But despite these factions, I still love school. I could see my crush everyday (blush, blush), I could talk to my seatmates, but I guess, there's always a reason why school definitely rocks! And don't forget, if it is school days, I could recover my bankruptcy that I've done during the last sem-break. At least, though.

The drawback is that, I couldn't write or post my blog everyday, maybe every other day or less. huhuuhuhu =,c

Again, I should be prepared for another sleepless nights, inadequate sleeps, cramming and etc. Talking about the life a typical geek este an honor student.

Dream and soar high! Coz it's four months before the big MARCH!

Take note that I had edited my blog for almost two hours! Gosh, my neck is killing me!

Edited and encoded by:
Renz Marione M. Bulseco
11.05.06 - 03.55pm - local time :: +8.00 GMT

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